
Mollie Makes Magazine Feature

9th September, 2020   |   How To...Guides

This week, Kate is featured in Mollie Makes Magazine talking about her passion for conversion and sustainable fashion. We are beyond excited to see Converted Closet be featured in such an amazing publication!

Mollie Makes Magazine is all about projects, crafts, lifestyle, and all around offers creative inspiration. Kate urges the readers of Mollie Makes to go through their closets, and choose one piece of clothing which they’re not in love with anymore. The start of a good conversion is to identify the features of the piece that you dislike the most and then brainstorm how to revise them into something exciting and new. Conversion is a great option for making something that’s old or out of style, feel like new again. For Mollie Makes crafty readers, we are so happy to inspire and encourage people to try converting their own clothes!

Along with Kate, the very talented Nicole Crowder, an upholstery designer known for unique and beautiful furniture was featured. There is nothing we love to do more than to share ideas and connect with such talented women in fashion and design.

To read all about Kate, Nicole and more, grab a copy of Mollie Makes Issue 121 or read it online here (page 90)! 


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